Yes, I have heard the argument that with a royal family attending public events, the government officials / President / Prime Minister have more time and energy to do their jobs. But, the fact that one's tax dollars go to support one family just because they have been identified as special urks me. Not to mention that at several royal family events, the Prime Minister is also present. Now, I'm not a fan of celebrities in general either, but at least they act or do something (hopefully, but not always true) to gain that strange and unnecessary status of celebrity - not that I agree with the notion of celebrity in the first place.
But, I do have a bit more respect for the Norwegian family because they seem to be at least a little more normal, with somewhat 'real people' head's on their shoulders. At least this is the image they give off and is how the Norwegian people seem to perceive of the Norwegian royal family.
To illustrate, here is a picture of King Harald and his granddaughter, Princess Ingrid Alexandra leaving the World Cup ski jump competition at Holmenkollen, the ski jump in Oslo.

I like that he has big clunky boots on and a ski jacket that I could presumably buy in a sporting goods store, based on the brand. But, they do still get to live in the big house on the hill and are paid a salary by the state.
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