Oh how God works and the Spirit moves beyond our expectations! I got to preach yesterday in worship at ALC. I didn't get to actually start writing my sermon until Friday afternoon - one of those weeks, but had been thinking about it since Tuesday. It was on the 10 lepers who Jesus healed, with one going back to give thanks and praise to Jesus (luke 17:11-19).
Walking to church yesterday morning and even when walking up to the pulpit to preach, I was much calmer and more confident than I was a couple weeks ago when I first preached. Partly it was probably having preached here before, but I was also more confident in the sermon that had been prepared. I thought that the sermon was a little long, but that God had been active, and would be in the preaching event itself, etc. But, was also feeling quite humble that, well, here it it, lets see. We've worked hard on this one. What if its horrible! But, well, God has been active and God will take and do what needs to be done.

So, I'm preaching away. Didn't get bogged down in the middle as usual. And I get to the end, say amen. And some people somewhere near the front start clapping!! I am in Norway, home of the frozen chosen, they don't clap. It seemed like it came from a certain group of people, but I'm not sure. I don't know who started it. How weird. I was completely flabbergasted. The last part of the sermon had a bit of an emotional push to it, so maybe that was it, who knows. Wow, never thought people would clap after i've preached (maybe they were just clapping that i was done!!)
One of the women who's been around forever told me that she has been at ALC for 46 years and she's never heard anyone clap after a sermon. I'm thinking, oh no. What have I done. I have a whole year left here! I can't keep this up, whatever it was that happened yesterday. Guess that's God's job, i'll just be the instrument.
I do, though, now understand why our preaching professor says that he goes to bed after he preaches on Sunday, that he is drained. I got enough sleep on Saturday night, but was quite exhausted all day yesterday. When I got home I barely had enough energy to make lunch! Guess it took my whole body, spirit, and everything to get that sucker out!!
Oh, I used Green Day's song "Working Class Hero" in my sermon. The video of it is pretty good, used in relation to Amnesty Int'l Save Darfur Campaign. Check it out.
Working Class Hero Video.Some people ask for my sermon's (mostly my mom and dad!). But, I don't want to post them since I never know what might happen to them and since I'm still in the process of ordination, I need to be careful. But, I will e-mail them out if you so desire, just let me know. But, as you read them, remember, as my preaching prof says, "a sermon is not just the words, but the preaching event itself!"
Have a great week! Today's my day off!